

Since 22/12/2008 is in valid the new European legislation about elevators, which is significantly different from the one which was in valid when your elevator was constructed.


Following to the above, according to the new legislation a Function License should be issued so as your elevator can be legal. The following steps should be made in order to issue that Function License:


  1. Examination (autopsy) of your elevator by certified conveyor (TUV) who will check and write down the features of the elevator and the possible lacks, either of the building or of the construction, which concern the safe function of the elevator according to the new regulations.

  2. Submission of the relevant form ‘’AUTOPSY’’ by the certified conveyor (TUV) with the relevant remarks.

  3. Execution and amending of the relevant remarks that are referred in the ‘’AUTOPSY’’ form.

  4. Submission of the needed documents and certification to the Prefecture for the Function License (Registration)


According to the new law all the above actions must be completed as following:


  1. With no legality particulars until 31.12.2012

  2. Provided that there is pre- approval until 31.12.2011


We are always willing for any further information you might need.